July 30, 2024

My Latest Book Now Available!

My latest book, Cultural Evolution: Caught in the Devil's Bargain, Volume I, Human Nature - Culture and Biology, is now available on Amazon in hardback and paperback. This is the first volume of two. You may purchasing it by clicking on the book cover image above or here. An e-book version is available here.

Volume II will be published in the next few months and w

ill contain recommendations for influencing the future of social and cultural evolution.

Volume I covers the major ideas of cultural anthropology and how culture - a society's beliefs, values, and norms - changes and evolves over long periods of time. The major goal is to bring attention to the problems facing humankind now and in the near future, and how our personal relations with each other, in thought and in action, hold the key to addressing the many crises we face.

The book focuses on five prehistoric and historic occurences:

1) the way humans lived from their beginning about 300,000 years ago to about 10,000BCE;

2) the Neolithic Revolution that introduced permantently settled agriculture and city-states beginning about 10,000BCE;

3) modern life which began with the European Renaissance in the 15th Century;

4) the Industrial Revolution; and

5) The Age of Information and Mass Communication from the beginning of the 20th Century to the present.

In the book I draw upon social and behavioral science ideas, the thinking of experts in the natural sciences and humanities, and a wide range of thinkers from various countries, past and present.

I hope you enjoy it and will write a review on Amazon.

If you have reactions to the book you wish to send me directly, address them to lassiterje@hotmail.com.


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